May Mast was Webster’s Renaissance woman. She was wife, mother, grandmother, school teacher, musician, artist, poet, horsewoman, farmer, church leader, girl’s camp operator, world traveler, and a co-founder of the Webster Township Historical Society in 1980. She was generous in providing valuable property at bargain prices for the creation of Historic Webster Village. This memorial garden contains plants from the period 1750-1850, reflecting the time period of the historical buildings surrounding it. The garden is located in the very center of Historic Webster Village, and will have a wonderful brick pathway installed commemorating friends and relatives of the township.
In 2020, WTHS began selling bricks for a path through this garden. This is the first of several we plan to install over time, one to each of our Village buildings. If you missed the opportunity to purchase a brick or if you would like to purchase more, click here for the form. This path was installed on July 10, 2022.